Collective Vault - An Introduction

Collective Vault- Predict Crypto Prices and Earn Prizes

The US-based client wanted to develop a decentralized prediction platform where users can place a bet on the predicted price of the chosen Token. The requirement was for 3 types of bets a user can take part in Solo Win, Shared Win, and User vs User.

We created Collective Vault by Planet Inverse, a unique crypto betting site that took months to be developed. The platform is built on the BSC blockchain.

he best crypto betting platform was created with the help of our skilled developers and it enables users to compete against one another in price prediction while collecting XIV prizes of up to several times their initial bet.


Crypto Price Prediction
Betting Platform




Crypto Price Prediction


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Problem Statement

Making predictions of crypto assets has particular difficulties that go beyond the scope of traditional data science techniques.

Here are some issues that have led us to hunt for unconventional solutions for the difficulties of developing predictive models for crypto assets on the Collective Vault platform:

Aggregative volatility
Model Retraining
No Real-time Estimation of Cost
Non-availability of Authentic Data
Market Manipulation
Regulatory Uncertainty

Analysis & Approach

Cryptocurrency is a wholly digital asset class, and we are in the heyday of machine learning, so how can’t it be an ideal marriage? Most data science teams don't consider some of the difficulties until the issue starts bothering them because they are outside of the accepted machine learning practices. When our client approached us to create something innovative for crypto prediction, we collectively prepared the model of Planet Inverse Collective Vault.


Refining Predictive Ability


Providing Betting Opportunity


User Engagement and Gamification


Staying Abreast of Crypto Trends


Ensuring Winning Amount


Setting Game Rules

Analysis & Approach

In this case study on NFT, our NFT development team embraces the agile approach, showcasing their exceptional expertise by seamlessly navigating the development lifecycle, delivering an innovative NFT marketplace with unrivaled precision and a skillset that fosters rapid iteration and continuous value creation.


In the crypto world, Planet Inverse introduced a decentralized protocol, the best crypto betting site in which individual users can compete with one another on Collective Vault by projecting the future values of a few chosen coins. It is powered by the XIV token, a free-floating, inverse-yielding BEP-20 token. Users have the choice of sharing their XIV awards or choosing a winner-take-all scenario.

Users can connect to the platform using their Non-custodial wallets namely, Metamask, Trust Wallet, and Wallet connect. Once connected users can place their bets on any of the provided coin/token prices. They can directly land on the home page where they will have to place bets.

In this platform, users can stake their XIV using one of three options- "Solo Win," "Shared Win," and "User Vs. User" vaults. The customer then chooses a small selection of coins they want to track, such as BTC, ETH, and BNB. The user then types in their "24-Hour Prediction Price."

A 24-hour countdown timer starts once the "Interval Window" closes. The user or users whose forecasted price is closest to the actual price of the chosen asset at the end of this 24-hour tracking period receive XIV tokens from the pooled XIV.


User-friendly interface

Holds the funds securely


Generous rewards

Users can place large bets

A Visual Journey Through Our Trailblazing Project

Final Outcomes

Technology Stack

  • Frontend
  • Reactjs
  • Backend
  • Nodejs
  • Database
  • MySQL
  • Smart Contract
  • Solidity
  • Blockchain
  • ETH & BSC
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